Week Six: Underground Comics

For week 6, I read a few of Robert Crumb's comics, like Mr. Natural, and one called Gay Comix that caught my eye. I read Gay Comix because I am bisexual myself, with a lean towards females.

The first comic in said Gay Comix was very entertaining to me. It was about a woman going through her life and trying to understand her sexuality. From her first sexual encounter to her finally finding the right gal for herself, I relate to her. Reunion was another one I particularly liked, it talked about grown bisexual or lesbian women in different situations. It was a really good reflection of diversity and LGBT people, how they're normal just like straight people! I think it was fun to read because to me, Gay Comix wasn't necessarily vulgar or offensive like Mr. Natural, but rather it was probably because at the time, comics centered around LGBT people and subject matter was either frowned upon or out of the norm.

On the other hand, Mr. Natural seemed written just to offend, at least to me. I found Mr. Natural himself annoying and aggravating, like when he was bothering Shuman the Human, who was just trying to live his life. Also, the way that black people were portrayed is also extremely offensive, though in the context of the times, it might've not been that offensive to people who read it. Things like Johnny Fasterfucker also creeped me out, how he tried to sexually assault a woman and only was stopped because "comics can't show that!" This is vulgarity just for vulgarity's sake, while Gay Comix felt more that it was underground because the subject matter wasn't as accepted at the time.
