Week Three: Alley Oop

In class, we looked at old comic strips. I chose to focus on Alley Oop for the one I read.

I enjoyed Alley Oop because it was very direct and easy to read. The character tropes and gags were understandable, and even though there was a lot of text compared to modern comics, it was still entertaining and not bothersome to read.

One of the things that make the comic enjoyable is the fact that the characters have clear tropes and personalities based on the tropes. Alley Oop is the dumb, muscley neanderthal. Foozy is the brains of the partner in crime duo. King Guz is the antagonistic king who is simultaneously jealous of the duo but also always trying to get in their way. The Queen is the boss lady who's actually in charge of the King.

You can tell that Foozy is the brains because he always speaks in rhyme, he's always thinking up schemes, and he actually looks for evidence before coming to conclusions. Meanwhile, Alley Oop is quick to jump to conclusions and use his fists as an answer. However, Alley Oop does have his moments of intelligence.

The jokes and gags from the comic work well even in this day. You would usually expect the women from a comic of this era to be damsels in distress, but all the women portrayed are actually independent and strong. Especially when Alley Oop and Foozy get kidnapped by the women of Ama, you see how truly strong the women are.

In comparison to comics from this era, I think Alley Oop is much more enjoyable. Maybe it's because I'm used to the minimalistic style of comic strips in modern times, but Alley Oop seems much easier to read to me. That's what attracted me towards it. I can clearly understand what's happening in each page and I always understand the joke.
